
Wednesday, December 1, 2021



Written by Eliza

“A mummy's tomb has recently been discovered” Says the news man “and they need some people to help identify the mummy” says the news woman “call 027 867 238 to help out” They say together.”We should go” Me and Zita say. We called 027 867 238 and we got the job. We booked a flight to Egypt and headed over to the airport. Once we got to Egypt  we headed to the site. “You must be the girls who new a lot about Mummies”says the boss. “Come to the mummy” He says. We head down to the burial chamber and examine the mummy “It looks like Ramies the 20th” Isay. “Look at this jewelry,it’s priceless.He must have been a very good ruler” Says Zita Ackerley “Not as good as king Tut”I say. We go Back to our hotel for dinner  and soon we drift of to sleep without a sound The next morning We go home once we get home we switch on the tv to see you on the news “wow we are famous” says Zita Ackerley.Next morning A news paper flies past my head and I cach it. “Us on it again”I say.Me and Zita Ackerley laugh and laugh and laugh.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Tony the elf.Part 1

 Once upon a time there was an elf-on-the-shelf called Tony.Tony was a bright and intelligent elf.He always moved without no one seeing him.One night Tony saw a glass of milk and chocolate chip cookies.Then he realized It was Christmas eve all ready! He had to get ready for Santa fast! He rushed around to get every thing but then he heard the famous Ho Ho Ho.Santa has here.Tony started to worry.Tony saw Santa with a black sottey berd.To be continued.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Bigfoot story part 3

 I decide to setup camp.5 minutes go by and the tent is ready.I put my chocolates and lollies by my sleeping bag and pillow on the inflatable bed.I get out my book and start to read. A few hours go by and it’s nearly dinner time so I go back to the  berry bush  and get some more berries.I go back to the cave and eat them.I get out my pocket knife and start to carve a cup out of wood.Soon Bigfoot comes home and on his shoulders are a cow and a hen he puts them down and the hen lays a egg. I realize I can cook with the animals .I milk the cow and get milk in my wooden cup and start to drink it.I didn't realize how thirsty I was  until now.I got more and more milk until I was not thirsty anymore.I get out my  pocket knife and carve a plate ,a pan,a fork and a knife.I get the pan and a egg from the hen and crack open  the egg in the pan and put it in the fire.The egg starts to bubble and fizz.I make a poached egg and put it on the plate and eat it with my knife and fork and soon the night ends

Monday, November 22, 2021

Girls soccer.

 last week the cantrbry pride came to our school.they taught us some tips and moves.Here are some photos.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Cloud Poem.

 Giant clouds float gently in the evening breeze.

Forming shapes never seen before.

Like a white play on a blue stage.

The midnight covers then up but they know they will be reborn at dawn.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Bigfoot story part 2

 I follow him for at least four hours and soon the starry black night sky surrounds us from above.I now can faintly see a rock cave lit up fire dancing everywhere.I walk inside the rock cave and see diamonds and emeralds and sapphires pressed into the thick gray rocky wall.I went inside and sat down by the fire then I closed my eyes and went to sleep without a sound.When I wake up I start to weave a basket to collect berries.After 20 minutes it is done and I go out to collect my berry breakfast.I go around collecting blueberries, raspberries, boysenberries and strawberries.I won't go get fish because I am a vegetarian.I go down to the river and get some fresh water  to quench my thirst.Then I realise for the next few weeks I will be stranded in the forest.You may think that I would be afraid now but I wasn't because then I realized that this could be fun studying bigfoots exciting and dangerous life and what bigfoot likes to do.I get out my bag and see what was inside it,knitting needles,some blue and pink knitting yarn,some thread,a tent,a pillow,a torch,a lantern,a sleeping bag and piles and piles of chocolate boxes and lollies.I got out a chocolate box and nibbled on a Moro, Crunchie and boost.The l got out my knitting needles and knitting yarn and started to knit a scarf.After half an hour my blue and pink scarf was done.By now it was noon and the blazing sun was high up in the sky.

Place Value


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Space Inquiry

 This term I have been learning how water forms on planets and what planets could make water in our solar system. Here are some facts. In Space you need hydrogen and oxygen to mix together to make water. Mars could maybe create water .It is made of ice. There are traces of vapour and possibly some liquid water underground. Some people think water came from asteroids crashing into Earth because the asteroids were packed with water. The ingredients in water are Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulfate and hydrogen carbonate. If a planet is in the Goldilocks zone it may have water on it. Some people think earth got its water from the day it formed. Uranus and Neptune are made of the same ingredients as water. Thank you for your time.

Friday, October 1, 2021

The Sun,Earth And Us

 Did you know the sun's temperature is 5,778 Celses. Without the sun life on earth would be impossible.The sun gives us light,seasons and good vitamins and chemicals.Even though our very existence depends on the sun it causes health problems,environmental problems,and droughts.

The sun gives us life by providing light. Light,water and cabendioxid mixed together makes photosynthesis. In the process of making photosyimise oxygen (O2)is released and glucose is formed. Photosynthesis is made in the base of a plants leafs.It takes 8 minutes for the sun's light to reach when you look at the sun you are that is actually what it looked like 8 minutes before.

The sun conducts earth's seasons.As the earth spins around the sun it forms different seasons depending on where earth is

Without seasons trees would not know what to do.for example if it was summer it would be hot the suddenly if would be a freezing cold winter

The sun makes good vitamins and chemicals for us.The sun makes vitamin D which is good for your bones and is defend you from a variety of diseases

The sun triggers a chemical called serotonin which is also called the happiness hormone

getting plenty of sun makes a person happier and it helps with anxiety and depression

The sun can cause  human health problems.When a person is in the sun for to long sunstrock begins

It can cause melanoma and  cell carcinomas

Without sunscreen it can curse sunburn second degree burns blistering and pain

It can also change your cell structure

The sun can cause environmental problems.When crops wither and die it creates a famine

Farmers who have flocks and herds sometimes have to with euthanize  their animals

Ice caps melt so sea levels rise and then flood land,destroy crops and drive people from their homes

The sun can cause  droughts.When droughts occur the ground will become hard and start to crack

There won’t be enough water 

Villages   won't have enough water so they will become dehydrated

Then droughts happen and the risk of human loss is higher.

We need the sun to survive.It producers photosynthesis

and plant life.but it is also one big threat to human loss.Even though we depend on it we should never underestimate the sun.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

year four girl self-defence

last Thursday and today us Year 4 girls learnt girls self-defence with Anna a person whoo was teaching us.last week we learnt how to use our voices not in a screaming way but in a scary way. we learnt the most sensitive part kick and punch on anyones body.we learnt our stance and when we are in our stance it is almost impossible for a child or adult to push us over.we learnt to use the sol of our foot when we are kicking the shin and nee but when we are kicking in the face we were told to use a ballerina kick.this was what we learnt last week this week we learnt our punches which are Hammer punches and normal punches when you are doing normal punches don't put your thumb inside your fingers otherwise your thumb will break.we learnt to shout go away very very loudly to scare away people who to threaten you or do something you don't like to you that makes you feel uncomfortable.we play the game which was like tag but when you saw a tager you could say back off and they can't tag you.then there is Meeny 1 Menny 2  and Meeny 3 who try to grab you and your foot and you have to w you roll away from them.
here are some photos.

Friday, September 10, 2021



Monday, September 6, 2021

my bigfoot story based on real facts.Part 1

 I am in the deep lush forests of California in search of one thing ,Bigfoot. I’m now deep in the forest when  swamp-like oder touches my nose. I quickly look around me. Huge footprints are everywhere. I start to panic when I hear loud grunts coming from in front of me. I faint. I must have been asleep for hours but when I woke up a massive hairy brown figure stands before me. It's Bigfoot! I run around desperately trying to find a phone signal to allot my colleagues. I have found the nasty bigfoot and to pick me up as fast as they can before bigfoot eats me but could not find 1 signal .Then I notice that bigfoot is not trying to get me or even eat me! Could the stories be wrong about bigfoot? I turn around to face the mythical creacher, completely bigfoot nods his head at me. I know he wants me to follow him.

to be continued

Friday, September 3, 2021

The Earth We Walk On.

 Some of you might not know that the earth has 4 different layers. Each of them has a different role in life to play. Read on and I will tell you about them.

The first layer is called the crust. The crust is important because without it we would have no life because we would be standing in lava. The crust is the first layer.

The second layer is the mantle. the mantle is also magma. With out the mantle volcanoes could not erupt and new islands could not form

the third layer is the outer core. The outer core is made out of boiling hot melted iron. The outer core is important because it is the earth's magnet  without it we would be flouting out in space

The fourth and final layer is the inner core. The inner core is made out of solid iron. The inner core is important because it gives out a magnetic field to protect us from harmful space radiation.

On their own they are powerful but when they work together they are unstoppable. They are the reason we are alive. I think they are one of the most important things in and around earth.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

What is matariki all about?

 What is matariki all about?

by   Eliza

When I look up in the sky and see matariki I always have these questions floating in my head. What is matariki, when is Matariki,why is Matariki celebrated and how do we celebrate Matariki?

Matariki is the Maori New year.  A time to spend with friends and family. It is also a huge star cluster called pleaseise. 

Matariki is celebrated in midwinter, late may till early July. Matariki is celebrated on a different day each year to be with the lunar calendar. 

Matariki is celebrated to keep the maori tradition alive. If not, we might have forgotten about it centuries ago.

Maori celebrate matariki by gathering with whanau and friends and sharing food.

These are some of the ways you can celebrate matariki. You could light fires and tell camp stories around the fire. You could go watch the fireworks in New Brighton. You can catch up with friends and family. You can pretend you're an astronomer and look for constellations in the sky, especially Matariki.

I think I might make some matariki cupcakes. I might  camp outside and keep an eye out for matariki. I will go see the fireworks again next year.

The story of matariki is that the sky father and earth mother were separated by their kids and tawfitimatia was so angry he threw his eyes into the heavens so that is how matariki formed.

To me matariki is a time to spend with friends and family, a time to celebrate life,a time to remember loved ones, a time to appreciate friends.

Monday, August 9, 2021

garden work.

 This team we have been planting natives for Eco-Action and taking care of 5 new fruit trees for the school garden.I have been involved with both of these planting things.Soon Eco- Action will come and plant these trees in the Red Zone to help the took 3 days to dig the 5 holes for the new fruit trees but then we had to fill it in again because it was to deep.Here are some photos of our hard work.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Candy World

we made a candy Earth but it is not the real Earth. This is how we made it.

The chocolate is the crust.

The marshmallow is the mantle.

The m&m is the outer core and inner core.

try this delicious delight.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Egg Earth

Did you know an boiled egg can represent the world? 

The egg shell represents the crust we walk on.

The whiteness represents the mantle.

The brown bit represents the outer core.

 The yolk represents the inner core.



 A few days we learnt about temperature. 

We had to put cold water hot water and ice into a cup here are the results.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


For maths today we learnt about capacity.Capacity is the maximum amount something can hold.ML stands for millilitres and L stands for liters .Here are the ways we showed capacity.
We had a race to fill up a ice cream container with sand. with a tablespoon and a cup. I think it was unfair because the cup was bigger and could hold much more.

 Next we had to get 3 bottles and 3 cups. each time we put a cup of water in the bottle we had to count how many cups we put in before.

the last one we did  the same as before but when we where done we had to get some multi-link and stack them till we got the right amount of multi-link as the cups of water that were in them


Friday, July 9, 2021

Eliza`s Reflection Term 2 2021

I am proud of learning different skills,learning new words,meeting new people.  

My challenges were working when a lot of noise is happening,gathering facts  for my inquiry.

For inquiry I learnt that there are different types of clothing.

Working together

Plus. more ideas,helping each other,learning to share ideas.helping people spell correctly.

minus.cant hear yourself think,you have to agree on ideas,you can't create what's you like,you can't finish your work quicker 

Highlights. Pasifika because I've been learning new dances and new songs. Gardening because I can learn how to treat plants good and give them the right amount of water for them.

Next term I would like to...learn more about mushrooms and which ones are poisonous and which are not.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Times Tabels


For maths today we did the times table.Here is a photo

School lunches

Plus: you get to try new food that you might never try before.

Minus: heaps of food gets wasted every day which dose not show appreciation for the people that spent ages making that food so that kids can have something to eat especially the poor kids whose parents cannot afford food.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The walk on the bridle path

 Today me and my class walked the Bridle Path. We did that because we have recently been learning about the early European settlers who came over the Bridle Path from Lyttelton to Christchurch. I learnt the Bridle Path was tough and would not be easy for the European settlers. They would have been carrying all of their items from home and would not have the right footwear. It was steep on the way up but slippery on the way down. I was relieved when we finally got to the other side and we could finally go back to school because I was exhausted! Here are some photos of our long journey.

Monday, July 5, 2021

My 1850s catwalk diorama.

 I have been learning about all the clothes that the rich and poor people wore in the 1850s. I have noticed that all the girls have a small waist .On one side there are children and on the other side there are the adults.Here is a photo

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Plan of my diorama from my ako plan

 here are the rich and poor people plan.

key:light skin=rich.dark skin=poor

Monday, June 28, 2021

gardening for Monday mash up

For the last 4 weeks a quarter of my class have been going down to our school garden. We have been planting some native plants that will be sent down to the red zone all we needed was a weed mat,a plastic bag ,small stones, plants and potting mix.Nigel explained what to do and how to do it. Before you start you will need to get a partner to help you out for example my partner was Sophia- Jane.Here are the steps.First you need to get your bag  and only put a bit of potting mix in it.Next you need to put your plant in the middle and fill it up nearly to the top.After that you need to get you weed mat and put on top of the potting mix so the plant is in middle b of the weed mat.Finally scatter a few small stones on top. Here are some photos of the plants.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


I have been learning a FAMILY OF FACTS here is mine on a google draw

Monday, June 21, 2021

My inquiry research

 For our inquiry about belonging and NZ history ,I have chosen to investigate rich and poor 1850s clothes.Here is my research.                                                                

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

My Inquiry Ako bace


Array practice no.1

 Today at  maths I made a series of arrays using goggle draw here is a photo of my work...



Thursday, June 10, 2021

The great journey [Kehu and Bruuner] First crossing

Kehu and Bruuner went of a devastating journey from Queens town to the West Coast.It could of cost there life it was a ruthless adventure to make but Bruuner decided to do it.

 They traveled in the river first. The river had strong current and was not easy to swim in. Once since it was to strong and they had to make a raft out of wood and vines. On day they got stuck on a cliff edge and had to eat Bruuner' s dog Runner because they had been stuck up there for 10 days .

 Next they traveled in the deep cold forest. They had no choice but  to eat big rats and  dirty fern root if not they would starve to death .There were strong water falls which could sweep you down in one go.

Finally they found the beach. Bruuner new there was a Maori pa nearby he found one but it was abandoned .Kehu said its too dangerous from here but Bruuner did not listen he was washed up on a rock and sprained his ankle. It took 3 months for him to walk again

He went back to Kehu then Bruuner decided it would be too dangerous to go on so they went back on the way back Bruuner had a stroke everybody else thought they shoud leave him behind but Kehu  refused .Soon they returned back home safe and sound luckily they were not hurt. Later on Bruuner was given a award and he was in the newspaper.

The story of Kittyin

 Name: Kittyin 

Habitat: My pool

Eats: Crabs and fish

Special features: Has a tail and can breath under water

Mix of animals: Dolphin and cat.

                                                                                     The story of Kittyin.

''Who are you and what are you doing in my pool?''I ask the animal.''I am Kittyin and can I be your pet?'' it asks.''cool and jump'' I call as I jump in to the pool.Me and Kittyin swim and play all morning at lunch I get some crabs and fish for Kittyin and cake and a cup-of-tea for me.We swam in till night and then mum called me inside for dinner and every day we play. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The railway

The light brown railway sways swiftly in the air. The light grey fog covers up the dark sky. The lime green trees sway violently in the air.Big fat bugs appear from know where. Light green moss takes over the old railway.

The  midnight blue train rushes past.Most of the passengers are asleep in the light red bed coved with six blankets each all with swirling patterns on them. but some of the younger passengers are still eating the big cold dinner before  lights out.

They had been traveling for days maybe even months on the midnight blue train  and  did not know when the next stop would be. Suddenly as they approached the track a loud sharp  snap came up a head of them ...


Thursday, June 3, 2021

my koru drawing

We made some art using korus. This is my picture.   


Friday, May 28, 2021

What I learnt in Ferrymead

 I learnt:

  • Children should be seen not heard.
  •   You need to take care of your shoes because they were handmade.
  • Girls wore long dresses and white hats.
  • Boys wore knickerbockers,shirts, neckties and caps.
  • School was very strict.
  • You had to polish silver,scrub the deck, sweeping the house, polish boots, iron the clothes and chop wood.
  • Ladies before gentlemen.
  • They lived in a V-hut


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

narnia:the battle

 I look out on the battle field to see blood and bodies soak into mother earth the battle starts swords cling people yell in pain suddenly the leader puts his sword to my chin it's the end.I get my sword and stab him in his heart he sinks down. The good stands victoriously and the evil bow down to me the war is over 

Baking in 1850s

Today we made bread and butter the way people made it in the 1850s. At first the butter looked like scrambled eggs and the bread looked like Cookie dough.The ingredients were self raising flour, table salt, warm water, butter chopped into tiny squares and runny whipped cream. 
It took about 2 hours to make the bread and the butter took 10 mins. At lunch time we got to taste both of them. It was very, very salty because Urmi our Teacher put too much salt in it. The reason why we made it like this is because we went to a trip to Ferrymead to  see how it was like when the European settlers came to New Zealand way back in the 1850's. The bread and butter were really easy to make for kids but it was tiring for your arms to make the butter.

Monday, May 24, 2021

snowy playground at NB.

 As I approach the playground,dark clouds glooms in front of me suddenly a soft cold white powder falls on me, it is snowing. A cold wind swoops across me. The freezing sea air makes ice cols form on trees. I put on my soft warm fuzzy coat to keep me warm even though it is freezing cold outside. I look over at the dark gray cangeing room it is coved with a soft lumpy coat of snow.I look back at my footsteps I see the brown dirt like ground suddley it is coved with a frosty coat of ice. The whale has soft white snow sprinkled on top of everything it's wide it big tail has the most white snow all over it suddenly at all the soft hand feels on my shoulder I turn around too quickly to see what happened if felt like an animal had touched me because it did not feel like a human hand there was nothing was there suddenly I see something hiding behind to the whale I sneak over it I see that  it is  white Fox it is weak and tired so I decided to take it home and look after it until it is really do to go back out into the wild I stay for a bit longer the playground is covered in the playground is covered in deep fick  snow.I go home to get the white fox warm.

My peg puppet Sandy-sea

 She has  two big sisters called Millie and Coco.Sandy is 7 years old her birthday is today. She likes to go to the beach and get a tan. She loves to wear make up. She has blue eyes. She has white hair.She is the youngest sister. Her last name is Fire fly. she likes sushi, rice balls and  seaweed salad. Her powers are sand, sea, ice and  .Her catch faze is, See you on the oder side of the sea.

                                                                      Hi I am Sandy - sea

Monday, May 17, 2021

Finn the fish

 today i made a pet fish out of egg cartons,paper,pom poms and pipes cleaners .His name is Finn his brithday is the 17th of May here is a photo of him.


My christmas story

 It was a snowy night infant only 2 days away from christmas Elfe .the elf sat in his room drinking hot chocolate 'Oh how I wish to help Santa deliver gifts' he with a yawn he hoped into bed.That night he dreamed about riding with Santa. the next morning he went to Santa to ask him if he could help when he said it, all of the elf's laughed 'you stiuped fool' one said' you idiot' said everyone. Elfe ran into his room crying his heart out he even did not come out for diner. Santa felt really bad for Elfe then a idea popped into his mind. he ran into Elfes room' Elfe, Elfe would you like to help me to night!' 'oh yes oh yes i will take the chance'said Elfe. and so Elfe is now his favorite elf.the end.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

tally chart to pie graph

 today I made a tally chart with math stuff as my subject  then took the data and put it in a pie chart                                                                              





Tuesday, May 4, 2021

My cute number fox

today i made a pixel art fox with google sheets and I did not have eney trouble trying to make it I called it cutie


learning how to make a graph on a computer

 I'm made 2 graphs on the computer on create a Graph. here are 2 graphs I have done.



Monday, May 3, 2021

My holiday report.

 Best of it: Was probably when Zita came over for a pottery play date and mum taught her how to make a bowl and i taught her how to make a Mimi gigy twin sister!

Worst of it: Was when we found out there was a rat behind the fridge and dad came face to face with it and lined up my cat Murray but the rat made a epic jump over Murray and got away so dad had to clean out the poo and wee! 

Over all:I t was my best school holidays ever because i got rid of my brother Leo for a hole day.

If it was no money I would: Go to hammer springs because I have not been there for a long time.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Friday, April 9, 2021

my did u ever of the morning in the Botanic gardens

 did u ever go to the botanic gardens in the morning?

birds singing.

leaves spinning.                                                             

 Silence around u.

come see it. 


Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Yesterday my class went to the museum,art gallery and the chch symphony orchestra.We went to the museum because my teachers thought it would be good for us to learn about the past NZ had. at the art gallery  we went to see Te wheke the new exeoet it was about our old culture  and the show was about  the NZ gods    

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

the randoms squad rafts

today me Pippa Olivia and Izzy made a raft out of drift wood  string and a rubbish bag we only had 45 mins to do it we could of done better by doing it strate away instead we took 10 time to time of what design to do by the time we came had come up with an idea only head 10 minutes left at least it actually floated Izzy is took home the raft to fix it up

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Monday, March 15, 2021

our build

 my team had to build a tower out of cups and Popsicle stick swe had to balance a dinosaur on top of the team was Hunter Julian and Oskar. here is a photo 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

our class trip


on Tuesday we were getting toult how to do  gymnastics . it was so fun because  one of my teachers Nigel neely drowned in the foam pit (no a fence to you Nigel if you are reading this). my favorite part was the bars because i was so good because i do ballet. I can not wait to go next Tuesday