
Friday, September 3, 2021

The Earth We Walk On.

 Some of you might not know that the earth has 4 different layers. Each of them has a different role in life to play. Read on and I will tell you about them.

The first layer is called the crust. The crust is important because without it we would have no life because we would be standing in lava. The crust is the first layer.

The second layer is the mantle. the mantle is also magma. With out the mantle volcanoes could not erupt and new islands could not form

the third layer is the outer core. The outer core is made out of boiling hot melted iron. The outer core is important because it is the earth's magnet  without it we would be flouting out in space

The fourth and final layer is the inner core. The inner core is made out of solid iron. The inner core is important because it gives out a magnetic field to protect us from harmful space radiation.

On their own they are powerful but when they work together they are unstoppable. They are the reason we are alive. I think they are one of the most important things in and around earth.


  1. Great introduction and conclusion to your Earth's Layers explanation, Eliza. Helpful hint: you have checked most of your punctuation but there's a few that need checking. What is the Earth's crust made out of?

  2. Hi Eliza, You have written a good explanation about the earths layers. I like that you have thought about the purpose of each layer. Well done.


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