
Monday, September 6, 2021

my bigfoot story based on real facts.Part 1

 I am in the deep lush forests of California in search of one thing ,Bigfoot. I’m now deep in the forest when  swamp-like oder touches my nose. I quickly look around me. Huge footprints are everywhere. I start to panic when I hear loud grunts coming from in front of me. I faint. I must have been asleep for hours but when I woke up a massive hairy brown figure stands before me. It's Bigfoot! I run around desperately trying to find a phone signal to allot my colleagues. I have found the nasty bigfoot and to pick me up as fast as they can before bigfoot eats me but could not find 1 signal .Then I notice that bigfoot is not trying to get me or even eat me! Could the stories be wrong about bigfoot? I turn around to face the mythical creacher, completely bigfoot nods his head at me. I know he wants me to follow him.

to be continued


  1. Morena Eliza, you've used some fantastic adjectives in here - I really like how you've said the 'deep, lush forests'! To show the passage of time more clearly, separate your story into paragraphs.

    1. thanks I will try that next time.

  2. Hi Eliza, I really like how you have included feeling into your writing. I can tell at the beginning the character was scared but by the end, was getting curious. Good work.

  3. Hi Eliza, I like the way you have added lots of details to your work. I do wonder if the big foot stories are true. It reminds me of the forest walks in peel forest. I'd love to hear the next part of the big foot story, I wonder where big foot is going to take you. ZITA

    1. Hi Zita. I have been working on my story. I will post it soon.ELIZA


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