
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

year four girl self-defence

last Thursday and today us Year 4 girls learnt girls self-defence with Anna a person whoo was teaching us.last week we learnt how to use our voices not in a screaming way but in a scary way. we learnt the most sensitive part kick and punch on anyones body.we learnt our stance and when we are in our stance it is almost impossible for a child or adult to push us over.we learnt to use the sol of our foot when we are kicking the shin and nee but when we are kicking in the face we were told to use a ballerina kick.this was what we learnt last week this week we learnt our punches which are Hammer punches and normal punches when you are doing normal punches don't put your thumb inside your fingers otherwise your thumb will break.we learnt to shout go away very very loudly to scare away people who to threaten you or do something you don't like to you that makes you feel uncomfortable.we play the game which was like tag but when you saw a tager you could say back off and they can't tag you.then there is Meeny 1 Menny 2  and Meeny 3 who try to grab you and your foot and you have to w you roll away from them.
here are some photos.

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