
Monday, May 17, 2021

My christmas story

 It was a snowy night infant only 2 days away from christmas Elfe .the elf sat in his room drinking hot chocolate 'Oh how I wish to help Santa deliver gifts' he with a yawn he hoped into bed.That night he dreamed about riding with Santa. the next morning he went to Santa to ask him if he could help when he said it, all of the elf's laughed 'you stiuped fool' one said' you idiot' said everyone. Elfe ran into his room crying his heart out he even did not come out for diner. Santa felt really bad for Elfe then a idea popped into his mind. he ran into Elfes room' Elfe, Elfe would you like to help me to night!' 'oh yes oh yes i will take the chance'said Elfe. and so Elfe is now his favorite elf.the end.

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