
Monday, May 24, 2021

snowy playground at NB.

 As I approach the playground,dark clouds glooms in front of me suddenly a soft cold white powder falls on me, it is snowing. A cold wind swoops across me. The freezing sea air makes ice cols form on trees. I put on my soft warm fuzzy coat to keep me warm even though it is freezing cold outside. I look over at the dark gray cangeing room it is coved with a soft lumpy coat of snow.I look back at my footsteps I see the brown dirt like ground suddley it is coved with a frosty coat of ice. The whale has soft white snow sprinkled on top of everything it's wide it big tail has the most white snow all over it suddenly at all the soft hand feels on my shoulder I turn around too quickly to see what happened if felt like an animal had touched me because it did not feel like a human hand there was nothing was there suddenly I see something hiding behind to the whale I sneak over it I see that  it is  white Fox it is weak and tired so I decided to take it home and look after it until it is really do to go back out into the wild I stay for a bit longer the playground is covered in the playground is covered in deep fick  snow.I go home to get the white fox warm.

1 comment:

  1. What a relevant story to ready today, Eliza! It is snowing!!!


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