
Monday, August 9, 2021

garden work.

 This team we have been planting natives for Eco-Action and taking care of 5 new fruit trees for the school garden.I have been involved with both of these planting things.Soon Eco- Action will come and plant these trees in the Red Zone to help the took 3 days to dig the 5 holes for the new fruit trees but then we had to fill it in again because it was to deep.Here are some photos of our hard work.


  1. Hi Eliza It is great to see that you are getting into the garden. It reminds me of doing work in the garden. Maybe next time you could double cheek your capital letters.

  2. Hi Eliza that looks like fun. I really like how you said how long it toke you to dig the holes. Were you mad that you had to fill in the holes when it toke you five days to dig them? maybe next time you could say who was helping you dig the holes.


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