
Friday, July 9, 2021

Eliza`s Reflection Term 2 2021

I am proud of learning different skills,learning new words,meeting new people.  

My challenges were working when a lot of noise is happening,gathering facts  for my inquiry.

For inquiry I learnt that there are different types of clothing.

Working together

Plus. more ideas,helping each other,learning to share ideas.helping people spell correctly.

minus.cant hear yourself think,you have to agree on ideas,you can't create what's you like,you can't finish your work quicker 

Highlights. Pasifika because I've been learning new dances and new songs. Gardening because I can learn how to treat plants good and give them the right amount of water for them.

Next term I would like to...learn more about mushrooms and which ones are poisonous and which are not.

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