
Monday, July 5, 2021

My 1850s catwalk diorama.

 I have been learning about all the clothes that the rich and poor people wore in the 1850s. I have noticed that all the girls have a small waist .On one side there are children and on the other side there are the adults.Here is a photo


  1. Kia ora Eliza,

    Wow! What a great idea for showing your learning about the clothes in the 1850's. I think your cat walk looks really great and I can see the detail you have included in your drawings. I'm intrigued by your noticing around girls having small waists. I wonder why this was? Do you have any ideas?

    Something that would help me as the reader of your blog would be you sharing a bit more about what you had been learning and why. Because I'm not part of your school I didn't have a lot of information to go from. Perhaps you could edit your post to add some more information.

    Keep up the great learning and blogging,
    :) Sharon - Te Ara Tūhura Education Programme Leader

  2. Thanks,The reson why girls had a small waist is because they were a corset.

    1. Of course Eliza! That makes sense. Imagine if we had to wear corsets. I don't think I would like that very much. They look really uncomfortable. You could edit your post to include that information for others to read.

      Keep up the great blogging Eliza!
      Kātahi ra! - Amazing.
      :) Sharon


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