
Thursday, June 10, 2021

The great journey [Kehu and Bruuner] First crossing

Kehu and Bruuner went of a devastating journey from Queens town to the West Coast.It could of cost there life it was a ruthless adventure to make but Bruuner decided to do it.

 They traveled in the river first. The river had strong current and was not easy to swim in. Once since it was to strong and they had to make a raft out of wood and vines. On day they got stuck on a cliff edge and had to eat Bruuner' s dog Runner because they had been stuck up there for 10 days .

 Next they traveled in the deep cold forest. They had no choice but  to eat big rats and  dirty fern root if not they would starve to death .There were strong water falls which could sweep you down in one go.

Finally they found the beach. Bruuner new there was a Maori pa nearby he found one but it was abandoned .Kehu said its too dangerous from here but Bruuner did not listen he was washed up on a rock and sprained his ankle. It took 3 months for him to walk again

He went back to Kehu then Bruuner decided it would be too dangerous to go on so they went back on the way back Bruuner had a stroke everybody else thought they shoud leave him behind but Kehu  refused .Soon they returned back home safe and sound luckily they were not hurt. Later on Bruuner was given a award and he was in the newspaper.

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