
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The railway

The light brown railway sways swiftly in the air. The light grey fog covers up the dark sky. The lime green trees sway violently in the air.Big fat bugs appear from know where. Light green moss takes over the old railway.

The  midnight blue train rushes past.Most of the passengers are asleep in the light red bed coved with six blankets each all with swirling patterns on them. but some of the younger passengers are still eating the big cold dinner before  lights out.

They had been traveling for days maybe even months on the midnight blue train  and  did not know when the next stop would be. Suddenly as they approached the track a loud sharp  snap came up a head of them ...


1 comment:

  1. Hi Eliza.I like how you used lots of adjectives.It reminds me of a movie I have watched. Maybe next time you could write a bit more.


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