
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Bigfoot story part 3

 I decide to setup camp.5 minutes go by and the tent is ready.I put my chocolates and lollies by my sleeping bag and pillow on the inflatable bed.I get out my book and start to read. A few hours go by and it’s nearly dinner time so I go back to the  berry bush  and get some more berries.I go back to the cave and eat them.I get out my pocket knife and start to carve a cup out of wood.Soon Bigfoot comes home and on his shoulders are a cow and a hen he puts them down and the hen lays a egg. I realize I can cook with the animals .I milk the cow and get milk in my wooden cup and start to drink it.I didn't realize how thirsty I was  until now.I got more and more milk until I was not thirsty anymore.I get out my  pocket knife and carve a plate ,a pan,a fork and a knife.I get the pan and a egg from the hen and crack open  the egg in the pan and put it in the fire.The egg starts to bubble and fizz.I make a poached egg and put it on the plate and eat it with my knife and fork and soon the night ends

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