
Monday, December 7, 2020


There once was a tiger called wire 

she loved to sit by the fire

then she got hot

sat in a cold pot 

then she was a lair.

There once was a fox called box

he always got chicken pox

he sat on a mat

chased a rat 

then tripped on some rocks.

There was a queen bee called pat

her butt was rather fat

when she sat on a flower

she lost all her power

and then got cased by a cat. 

There once was a pig called Mig

she loved her bright red wig

she ate some hay 

then said nay 

and she turned into a fig.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

kite flying

 we went kite flying in the domain in lock down. our kites are rainbow. we had a few trys before   we got it in the air. come try it

water slide

On the 6 of May me and  Leo made a water slide. We found out we needed to get the hose to the top of the slide. have a try at home 

Monday, November 30, 2020

haiku poem

tree colors 

 5.   trees grow every where 

7.   their leaves change in different seasons

5. seasons are shocking     

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Did You Ever 2 Did you Evers

 Did you ever

Go mushroom hunting 

Eyes looking

Heart pumping

Brain thinking.

Come do it.                                               

Did you ever

Have a sleepover 

Friends snoring 

Mouths chewing 

people laughing.

I love it .

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Why Nancy wake inspires me

tap that

how to make chocolate cup-cakes.



  • 3/4 cup plain flour
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup caster sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 80g unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
how to make icing . 


  • 1 1/2 cups icing sugar mixture, sifted
  • 25g butter, softened
  • 1 tablespoon milk, or water 
  • Few drops of food colouring
Select all ingredients

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

my favorite baking treat.

 my favorite baking baking treat is one i made up and it is yum. i called it triple chocolaty fudge cup-cakes here is the  recipe:

2 cups of drinking chocolate.

3 cups of flower 

1 cup of mink

2 tespons of water

how to make the icing 

1 cup of water 

2 cups of icing sugar 

13 drops of pink food colring

 2 tespons of baking soder 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

kate shepperd link       press it to see my powtoon

I am an antarctic penguin

 I have just been born out of an egg. Inside it was cosy and warm but now i am on the ice.

I'm hungry now. Mum is out catching fish, krill and squid well dad keeps me warm.

Oh no! Were under attack by all our preteders large gulls, leopard seals and orcas .Everybody wadel. well at lest we got away its good we like the cold.

My mum is back now now. Dad and mum try to tech me how to swim. I try swimming it is more like splashing and droning. They brought me onto land. Maybe I might try when i am older.

I am now 4 years old now. I try swimming agen. I can do it. I new i could do it when i am older.

Image result for antarctic penguins photos

Thursday, August 27, 2020

sir Ed😃😃😃😃😃😃-studio/#/edit/cAlpoSRT9ny


 Did you know that panda bears have 2 thumbs on 1 hand? That's right 2 thumbs! That is because they have adapted.

The 4 main habitats are ... water / land/desert and ice . Some animals can live in two ( For example a mud skipper.

A habitat is a place where an animal lives and needs it to survive. (  For a example a poler bear needs a cold icey place to live.) 

Which habitat would you like to live in?Habitat - Wikipedia

Thursday, August 20, 2020


 Have you always wanted to learn about autumn well now you can . This story is about the leaves/ the animals/ the earth and pumpkins.

In autumn the leaves change colours like red/ orange and yellow. This is because the corfall  goes away . It only happens to desidous trees.

Animals are busy in autumn . Because they need to find food. It's to cold to go outside!

When it's autumn  the days are shorter because the earth is moving away from the sun. Also daylight savings stops. 

Pumpkins only grow in autumn . You might even see pumpkins on the fence because it is Halloween.

Do you like  autumn?

These 203 Beautiful Autumn Photos Will Inspire You To Grab Your ...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Jean Batten

Jean batten was the first female pilot to fly solo. Jean Batten was born in 1909. She was from Rotorua NZ. She flew across the world in 11 days and  45 mins. Jean Batten few from  England to Brazil it took 61 hours. Jean flew from England to Aus it took 14 days 22 hours and 30 min.
NZEDGE Legends — Jean Batten, Pilot — Endurance

  Jean batten was given the name daughter of the skies. She died in 1982 because a dog bit her and it got infected.  Jean batten inspirs me because she was the frist female to fly arond the wold.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Do you want to know about spring?

In spring we love to go outside and plant veges and fruit. The leaves grow back and flowers bloom.

When it's spring the days start to get longer  and nights get shorter. The sun goes down later.

Spring is when most animals have their babies, because it is getting warmer and the food will grow back.   

What is your favourite season?

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Greta Thunberg

i agree with Greta because i think the wold needs to be cleenr

- Greta is a 16 year girl who wants to save the evirimt.

- Greta was inspirid by a grop of teenagers

- When Greta herd about the evirimt she did not speck to eneyone or eat eneything!

- In march 2019 over 1.6 million people took part of klimit cange 

- Greta is a swedish girl

-Greta never gave up 

-Greta took school days of to protest 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Apirana Ngata

He inspires me because...

 He said to English people to share the land with the Maori people.

He was the first Maori person to go to university.

He brought peace to our land.

In the past Maori got treated bad but he made Maori  get treated nice.

Thursday, July 2, 2020


today i will tech you about Saturn

1. Saturns rings are made of ice and dust.

2. Saturn is next to Jupiter

3. Saturn is 288 dregs cellses

4. Saturn is 4.503 billion years old.

5. Saturn has 82 moons

6. Saturn has 5 rings

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

number pattens

this is my number pattens we did it for maths today

Monday, June 15, 2020


today i made a tesslashin it gos black
 white black white and so on here is a photo 

Friday, June 5, 2020

all about me

hi agen  Im going to tell you a littel bit about me

1. my favourite colours are white and gold

2. I have two cats

3. I like l&p

4. my favourite pet is a cat

5. I like icecreem

Thursday, June 4, 2020

my tesselation

for maths today we made tesselations. I had to do 2 rows.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


For maths today we made patterns. My pattern went yollw, red ,yollow ,red and so is a photo


Friday, May 22, 2020

my emoshins

on the day i was aloato school we drawed our emoshins. i did a happy sun to show happy because i was happy that i was back at school and to see my frends

Friday, May 8, 2020

fairy doors

On 6th of May me and my family went to bottle lake forest park to look at the fairy doors. there were 10000s of them so we decided to make our own one. we will keep you updated!!


On the 7th of May I went mushroom hunting. we did no eat them because they might have been poisonous. I took same notes about what they looked like. I found out what a mushroom scientist was called
it was called mycologist

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

ANZAC cake

I made a chocolate cake by had red icing and two kinds of sprinkles. it was very very sweet .it was it made for ANZAC DAY THAT is why it is red. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

even more photos of constellations

There are two pointer stars which point to the crux.

Southern Hemisphere All-Sky Map

FREE Printable Summer Stargazing Constellation Map | Constellation

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

More photos of constellations in the Southern Hemisphere

Hyrda is the biggist constellation in the sky.

Hyrda means water snake.

There are 88 constellations in the sky

Image result for free images of constellations in the southern hemisphere

Hydra (constellation) - Wikiwand

Meet Hydra, Our Largest Constellation - Farmers' AlmanacHydra Constellation Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images ...


One night we were camping in our garden. We lit a bonfire .We ate pizza.We had smors and we star gazed. We got my sicinse book and found the constellations, Then mummy found this Amazing app on her phone. 
I found these images on the computer of ORION and the Southern Cross

The Constellation Of The Southern Cross Art Print by Luke Dodd

Orion constellation Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

winter veges

On the first week of lock-down we planted some winter veges. They were...
broccoli, pumpkin, silverbeet, lettuce and beetroot and leeks.     
This is what i plan to make with them:

broccoli:       make rice risotto
pumpkin:      make soup
silverbeet:     make a salad
lettuce:          make a burger
beetroot:       make a burger
leeks:            make soup with potatoes

This is what it looks like now:

This is my amazing paper!