
Friday, May 8, 2020

fairy doors

On 6th of May me and my family went to bottle lake forest park to look at the fairy doors. there were 10000s of them so we decided to make our own one. we will keep you updated!!


  1. Hey Eliza

    That sounds like a great idea. I can't wait to see what your fairy door will look like and how you will design it!

    JT said he saw heaps of fairy doors at bottle lake forest park on our google hangout the other day. I will have to find them the next time I go to the park.

  2. Eliza, It looks like you would have really enjoyed your walk. What a good idea to make your own. So many interesting fairy houses in the forest. You will have lots of ideas.I Look forward to seeing your fairy house.-Leanne

  3. wow Eliza I have been there to. there are heaps of them


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