
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

ANZAC cake

I made a chocolate cake by had red icing and two kinds of sprinkles. it was very very sweet .it was it made for ANZAC DAY THAT is why it is red. 


  1. Wow Eliza you cake looks delicious! How long did it take you to make? I bet your family enjoyed it. Did you get up early on Anzac Day to stand at your letter box?

    1. it took 10 mins and the oder two yes and yes

  2. Hi Eliza, I love that you did red icing for the cake - it reminds me of the poppies that we make and wear for ANZAC Day. You might like to look at the ANZAC reading activity for Silver+ group on the website - that is all about memorials and you can design your own as well.

  3. wow Eliza its a good idea to use red for the cake on ANZAC day did u no my favorite cake is vanilla maybe next time you can say how long it toke to make it what is your favorite part of ANZAC day???

    1. thanks my favorite part of Anzac day is that I get to sleep out side

  4. was that yum i have i made a simerla cake


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