
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

winter veges

On the first week of lock-down we planted some winter veges. They were...
broccoli, pumpkin, silverbeet, lettuce and beetroot and leeks.     
This is what i plan to make with them:

broccoli:       make rice risotto
pumpkin:      make soup
silverbeet:     make a salad
lettuce:          make a burger
beetroot:       make a burger
leeks:            make soup with potatoes

This is what it looks like now:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia ora Eliza,
    Gosh your vegetables are really growing well. Apparently since the lockdown lots of people have been buying seedlings to grow in their gardens and the shops ran out of them.
    It looks like you have grown yours from seeds, is this right?
    My kids have planted leeks, broccoli, cabbage and broad beans. We will probably have the leeks with a white sauce, the broccoli raw or just as a stir-fry, cabbage as a coleslaw and broad beans as a vege on the side of a roast.
    What are you going to plant next?
    Nga mihi,

  3. I love your garden Eliza. It is great how they are already sprouting! Do you have to water them everyday? I like how you put a popsicle stick in the dirt next to the seeds you planted to remind you of what is growing there, did you come up with that idea yourself?
    From Brogan


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