
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

​​I am still blogging…

I am still blogging...but I've moved.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2021



Written by Eliza

“A mummy's tomb has recently been discovered” Says the news man “and they need some people to help identify the mummy” says the news woman “call 027 867 238 to help out” They say together.”We should go” Me and Zita say. We called 027 867 238 and we got the job. We booked a flight to Egypt and headed over to the airport. Once we got to Egypt  we headed to the site. “You must be the girls who new a lot about Mummies”says the boss. “Come to the mummy” He says. We head down to the burial chamber and examine the mummy “It looks like Ramies the 20th” Isay. “Look at this jewelry,it’s priceless.He must have been a very good ruler” Says Zita Ackerley “Not as good as king Tut”I say. We go Back to our hotel for dinner  and soon we drift of to sleep without a sound The next morning We go home once we get home we switch on the tv to see you on the news “wow we are famous” says Zita Ackerley.Next morning A news paper flies past my head and I cach it. “Us on it again”I say.Me and Zita Ackerley laugh and laugh and laugh.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Tony the elf.Part 1

 Once upon a time there was an elf-on-the-shelf called Tony.Tony was a bright and intelligent elf.He always moved without no one seeing him.One night Tony saw a glass of milk and chocolate chip cookies.Then he realized It was Christmas eve all ready! He had to get ready for Santa fast! He rushed around to get every thing but then he heard the famous Ho Ho Ho.Santa has here.Tony started to worry.Tony saw Santa with a black sottey berd.To be continued.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Bigfoot story part 3

 I decide to setup camp.5 minutes go by and the tent is ready.I put my chocolates and lollies by my sleeping bag and pillow on the inflatable bed.I get out my book and start to read. A few hours go by and it’s nearly dinner time so I go back to the  berry bush  and get some more berries.I go back to the cave and eat them.I get out my pocket knife and start to carve a cup out of wood.Soon Bigfoot comes home and on his shoulders are a cow and a hen he puts them down and the hen lays a egg. I realize I can cook with the animals .I milk the cow and get milk in my wooden cup and start to drink it.I didn't realize how thirsty I was  until now.I got more and more milk until I was not thirsty anymore.I get out my  pocket knife and carve a plate ,a pan,a fork and a knife.I get the pan and a egg from the hen and crack open  the egg in the pan and put it in the fire.The egg starts to bubble and fizz.I make a poached egg and put it on the plate and eat it with my knife and fork and soon the night ends

Monday, November 22, 2021

Girls soccer.

 last week the cantrbry pride came to our school.they taught us some tips and moves.Here are some photos.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Cloud Poem.

 Giant clouds float gently in the evening breeze.

Forming shapes never seen before.

Like a white play on a blue stage.

The midnight covers then up but they know they will be reborn at dawn.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Bigfoot story part 2

 I follow him for at least four hours and soon the starry black night sky surrounds us from above.I now can faintly see a rock cave lit up fire dancing everywhere.I walk inside the rock cave and see diamonds and emeralds and sapphires pressed into the thick gray rocky wall.I went inside and sat down by the fire then I closed my eyes and went to sleep without a sound.When I wake up I start to weave a basket to collect berries.After 20 minutes it is done and I go out to collect my berry breakfast.I go around collecting blueberries, raspberries, boysenberries and strawberries.I won't go get fish because I am a vegetarian.I go down to the river and get some fresh water  to quench my thirst.Then I realise for the next few weeks I will be stranded in the forest.You may think that I would be afraid now but I wasn't because then I realized that this could be fun studying bigfoots exciting and dangerous life and what bigfoot likes to do.I get out my bag and see what was inside it,knitting needles,some blue and pink knitting yarn,some thread,a tent,a pillow,a torch,a lantern,a sleeping bag and piles and piles of chocolate boxes and lollies.I got out a chocolate box and nibbled on a Moro, Crunchie and boost.The l got out my knitting needles and knitting yarn and started to knit a scarf.After half an hour my blue and pink scarf was done.By now it was noon and the blazing sun was high up in the sky.