
Tuesday, May 26, 2020


For maths today we made patterns. My pattern went yollw, red ,yollow ,red and so is a photo


Friday, May 22, 2020

my emoshins

on the day i was aloato school we drawed our emoshins. i did a happy sun to show happy because i was happy that i was back at school and to see my frends

Friday, May 8, 2020

fairy doors

On 6th of May me and my family went to bottle lake forest park to look at the fairy doors. there were 10000s of them so we decided to make our own one. we will keep you updated!!


On the 7th of May I went mushroom hunting. we did no eat them because they might have been poisonous. I took same notes about what they looked like. I found out what a mushroom scientist was called
it was called mycologist

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

ANZAC cake

I made a chocolate cake by had red icing and two kinds of sprinkles. it was very very sweet .it was it made for ANZAC DAY THAT is why it is red.