
Friday, October 1, 2021

The Sun,Earth And Us

 Did you know the sun's temperature is 5,778 Celses. Without the sun life on earth would be impossible.The sun gives us light,seasons and good vitamins and chemicals.Even though our very existence depends on the sun it causes health problems,environmental problems,and droughts.

The sun gives us life by providing light. Light,water and cabendioxid mixed together makes photosynthesis. In the process of making photosyimise oxygen (O2)is released and glucose is formed. Photosynthesis is made in the base of a plants leafs.It takes 8 minutes for the sun's light to reach when you look at the sun you are that is actually what it looked like 8 minutes before.

The sun conducts earth's seasons.As the earth spins around the sun it forms different seasons depending on where earth is

Without seasons trees would not know what to do.for example if it was summer it would be hot the suddenly if would be a freezing cold winter

The sun makes good vitamins and chemicals for us.The sun makes vitamin D which is good for your bones and is defend you from a variety of diseases

The sun triggers a chemical called serotonin which is also called the happiness hormone

getting plenty of sun makes a person happier and it helps with anxiety and depression

The sun can cause  human health problems.When a person is in the sun for to long sunstrock begins

It can cause melanoma and  cell carcinomas

Without sunscreen it can curse sunburn second degree burns blistering and pain

It can also change your cell structure

The sun can cause environmental problems.When crops wither and die it creates a famine

Farmers who have flocks and herds sometimes have to with euthanize  their animals

Ice caps melt so sea levels rise and then flood land,destroy crops and drive people from their homes

The sun can cause  droughts.When droughts occur the ground will become hard and start to crack

There won’t be enough water 

Villages   won't have enough water so they will become dehydrated

Then droughts happen and the risk of human loss is higher.

We need the sun to survive.It producers photosynthesis

and plant life.but it is also one big threat to human loss.Even though we depend on it we should never underestimate the sun.