
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Greta Thunberg

i agree with Greta because i think the wold needs to be cleenr

- Greta is a 16 year girl who wants to save the evirimt.

- Greta was inspirid by a grop of teenagers

- When Greta herd about the evirimt she did not speck to eneyone or eat eneything!

- In march 2019 over 1.6 million people took part of klimit cange 

- Greta is a swedish girl

-Greta never gave up 

-Greta took school days of to protest 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Apirana Ngata

He inspires me because...

 He said to English people to share the land with the Maori people.

He was the first Maori person to go to university.

He brought peace to our land.

In the past Maori got treated bad but he made Maori  get treated nice.

Thursday, July 2, 2020


today i will tech you about Saturn

1. Saturns rings are made of ice and dust.

2. Saturn is next to Jupiter

3. Saturn is 288 dregs cellses

4. Saturn is 4.503 billion years old.

5. Saturn has 82 moons

6. Saturn has 5 rings